Saturday, October 27, 2007

Save my regular income!? Good Lord.

Everyone knows the value of saving money. It's just that some of us are a little more challenged at it than others. Over the last couple of years, I have become quite the online money addict. I participate in surveys, research groups, and product tests, among other things. Skeptics are rampant, but the fact is, the online survey industry can make you a nice chunk of extra money if you are willing to put the time in. And the beauty of it is when you can learn NOT to spend it. I used to be less than diligent when it came to saving money. I'm still not the greatest at it, but now that I am making money online, I have made a personal rule that whatever comes from my online work goes straight to the piggy bank. Here I will share my experiences as well as the best sites for making the money. Once you start making some extra income, you will see how easy it is to become a better saver!

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