Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Updated GPT list

I’ve been trying out a lot of new sites lately, and here is my updated list of keepers. I’m signed up with other sites not listed here, and as soon as they pay me, I will add them to the list. All of these sites are pretty similar, so I won’t go into individual detail. Have fun!
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Some helpful tips for GPT:
1. Go to http://www.ccleaner.com/ and download the free cookie cleaner. You need to clear your cookies in between all of your offers so that you can increase your odds of offers crediting. Otherwise, just go to Tools, Internet Options, and Delete Cookies.
2. To complete offers faster, Roboform is awesome. You can download it free by going to http://www.roboform.com/. It will automatically fill in your info when you click on it.
3. Use your real information when signing up for offers, and don't complete the same offer on two different sites. This is fraud, and a good way to get your accounts deleted. These sites have plenty of offers and plenty of money-making opportunities without you having to double up on offers.
4. If you go for the credit-card-required offers, remember to keep a record of the offers, dates, and dates by which they have to be cancelled. This way, you won't get charged for something you planned on cancelling!
5. Go to http://www.hotmail.com/ and http://www.yahoo.com/ and sign up for some free e-mail accounts. Keep the e-mail IDs simple, or write them down so you can remember them. Use these accounts to sign up for different offers. This will increase the number of offers that credit for you. (When you initially sign up with the GPT sites, you will use your main e-mail address for all of them. You can use the other e-mail accounts just for completing offers. Don't worry, this is not fraud because all of the e-mail accounts belong to you.)
6. Don't forget about the daily surveys! They aren't worth a lot indidually, but they really add up if you remember to do them every day.


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Victoria E. said...

I just wanted to let you all know about Gypsy Jackpot. This is an extremely easy, free and fun site to use. Payouts are automatic every month if you have a balance of over $20. Gypsy Jackpot has been paying out regularly for over a year now. There are over 500 offers. There are 3 downlines- 1st downline pays 15% and 2nd downline pays 3% and 3rd downline pays 2%. http://www.gypsyjackpot.com